Legal protection usually covers only the territory of the country where the patent was issued. If there is a need to receive protection in the territory of other countries, the applicant should apply directly to a specific country or several countries. If applicant is planning to cooperate with the CIS countries, they have a possibility to obtain a Eurasian patent. The Eurasian patent allows to protect its rights simultaneously in eight participating countries of the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC) - Turkmenistan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Republic of Armenia. It is worth noting that receiving of the Eurasian patent makes sense only if it is necessary to obtain legal protection in the territory of at least two countries. Otherwise, the filing of an application for a Eurasian patent does not make sense and it is worth applying in a specific country according to the national procedure.
Applications are considered by the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) located in Moscow. This Organization also issues patents.
The procedure of obtaining a Eurasian patent consists of three phases:
1. Filling an application
First, the relevant application materials should be prepared and sent to the Eurasian Patent Office after having paid all the duty fees. The materials of the application consist of a description, drawings, formulas, draft s, as well as information about inventors and applicants.This stage includes a formal examination, the purpose of which is to check the documentation for proper registration. An application for a Eurasian patent is uniform for all the participating countries. . The application can be submitted in any language, however, a translation into English should be provided.
2. Public notice
Then the information is published. Thus, information about the submitted application becomes public. The meaning of the publication is the ability to file objections or protect the interests of third parties and the applicant. From the moment of publication of the information of the Eurasian patent and before payment of the maintenance fees, the patent holder is granted an exclusive right for an invention.
3. Substantive examination and grant of patent
The third stage includes substantive examination. Experienced experts from the Eurasian Patent Office carry out an examination. The purpose of the substantive examination is to find out whether the product meets the criteria of novelty, inventive level, and industrial applicability. The results of the examination are grounds for patenting or refusing to issue a patent.
The Eurasian patent can be obtained on the basis of the International Application under the PCT procedure. The duty fee can be reduced by 25% if the application contains an international search report, or by 40% if there is a report from Rospatent.
The Eurasian patent has a validity period of 20 years starting from the date of filing the application. It can be extended in the member state of the EAPC, whose legislation provides for the extension of the national patent.